Friends of St Botolph's

Built upon the foundations of the two former schools, The Friends of St. Botolph's School has quickly established itself as a supporting and fund-raising organisation associated with the school.
Members of the elected committee meet regularly. All parents are encouraged to help organise and support social and fund-raising events.
Since the Friends was formed, a considerable sum of money has been raised from a number of events, in addition to providing pupils, parents, friends, governors and staff with the opportunities to meet informally and socially.
The list of items that the Friends have been able to purchase grows each year. This has included an Adventure Play Area; Gazebo; Climbing play equipment; drama, ICT and sports equipment; classroom magazines and resources, school visit subsidies and most recently a wonderful new Library. All of these have enhanced the experiences available to the children.
The Friends group is a wonderful asset to our school and reflects the amazing community spirit centred around our school.