Hartismere Liaison
HARTISMERE Feeder Primaries
Botesdale, Eye, Gislingham, Hoxne, Mellis, Occold, Palgrave,
Thorndon and Wortham.
Throughout their primary years, pupils are given the opportunity to meet, work and play with their peers in the other schools. The range of activities varies from year to year, and in Year 6 there is a residential trip to North Norfolk.
This currently takes place in the Autumn Term and has proven to be a very positive step towards eventual transfer to the High School. All Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to attend the activity. This is staffed by members of the High School and Primary Schools, volunteer parents and friends of the Pyramid.
All children who attend St Botolph's transfer to Hartismere High School. Transition begins in September when Year 6 start to attend taster lessons at Hartismere. Hartismere staff visit St Botolph's at the end of Year 6 to meet with staff and discuss the needs and achievements of the children transfering to Hartismere.
For more information on Hartismere please visit their website: www.hartismere.com