School uniform
School uniform can now be purchased online. Parents and carers can have uniform delivered to the school or their home.
Please visit:
Please note: There is no expectation or requirement for children to wear branded uniform.
Our school would like to encourage all children to wear clothes in the school colours of
burgundy, pale blue and grey as follows:
Plain grey trousers/shorts, school polo shirt or pale blue shirt, school sweatshirt (or burgundy jumper).
Plain grey trousers/skirt/pinafore, school polo shirt or pale blue blouse, burgundy sweatshirt/cardigan.
Summer Term
Pale blue check or stripe summer dress, or pale blue check or stripe skirt with pale blue polo shirt.
Grey shorts and pale blue polo shirt.
Shoes should be black and socks black, white or grey. Jewellery is NOT allowed. Children with pierced ears may wear studs but they need to remove them before any PE lesson. Watches may be worn, if named, but the school will accept no responsibility for loss or damage. We would prefer that your child did not arrive at school with brightly coloured/ striped socks or tights, hair ornaments, headscarves, nail varnish, tattoo transfers, hair-styling gel or dyed/bleached hair. Hoodies are not allowed in school.
All children need to have a basic P.E. kit, kept in a drawstring bag for hanging on a peg.
This should consist of:
Pale blue T-shirt or polo shirt, black or navy shorts, spare socks, plimsolls or
trainers. Tracksuit or joggers for winter P.E. lessons.
All items of clothing must be clearly named