SEND at St Botolphs
Did you know that a new Code of Practice for supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities was released in September 2014.
We have pulished a new SEN Information Report online which tells you more about what we do to support children at St Botolphs.
We have also added a'Your Questions Answered' section.
Please take a look. We welcome your comments - email Mrs Foreman on the school email
If you have a question about SEND at St Botolphs which has not been answered on our website, or are concerned about your child, please speak to your child's class teacher or contact Mrs Foreman, the SENCo.
SEND Guide for Parents: This document, released by the government, tries to explain the new SEN Code of Practice and what the changes may mean for you.
Please click here to find our Local Offer on the County Council website.