Parents and Carers

A postive partnership between the school and parents is vital to any child and their progress at school. Staff are available to parents/carers at the beginning and end of the school day. The Head operates an open door policy and is happy to discuss issues or concerns with parents. We hold parent consulations three times a year and report to parents twice an academic year.
The school is well supported by parent volunteers who give their time and bring extra skills and opportunites to the school.
Parents attend open afternoons where they can come into school and work alongside their child. Parents can also come into a termly assembly where they have the opportunity to see for themselves what their child has been learning.
Parent View
Parent views are vital to school improvement and in forming a good relationship for the benefit of children. The School completes parent questionaires. Parents also have the right and opportunity to share their opinions and observations, both postive and developmental, with Ofsted. Ofsted Parent View.
Parents and Carers should be aware of the signage around the school, making sure that they supervise thier children before and after school; especially on outdoor equipment.
We would also like to make Parents and Carers aware that the school cannot accept responsibility for any lost or damaged items that are brought into school. This includes uniform and other items of clothing. The school will make reasonable attempts to find lost items and investigate occassions when items are damaged. We do keep all unclaimed clothing in our lost property which parents have access to.
Please feel free to contact the school if you require any assitance in this area.