
Homework at St Botolph’s CEVCP School
We understand and appreciate that Homework can be more complex that it appears. What must they do? What can they do? How can I help them? Should I help them?
These are all relevant questions.
At St Botolph’s we believe that homework does have an important role to play in education. It enables children to consolidate knowledge and skills at home and can frequently open up a dialogue between parent and child regarding their learning, on a day to day basis, at school. It’s important that a parent supports their children in establishing good habits. This acts as confirmation that school is important and prepares them for well for future years. Establishing a routine for the completion of homework is always a good idea.
To make our expectations for homework clear we have classified homework into two groups.
* Expected homework (For example Spelling/Phonics, Reading and Maths)
* Creative option - they can create anything inspired by their topic from school or from learning at home. This could include doing extra of the expected homework.
We will only set the expected homework on a regular (weekly) basis.
The creative option will only be set once per half term, unless a child wants to explore an aspect of their learning further at home. They may wish to do their own project on The Romans for example. Teachers are always happy to see the results of learning at home when it is driven by the pupil.
If parents are unsure then it’s always prudent to just check with the class teacher.
For help logging into your Spelling Shed account please use this handy guide above.
For help logging onto your Times Tables Rock Star account please use this guide above