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The governors of St Botolph's work together with the school to ensure that the school continues to develop to the highest standards in all aspects of school life.  This includes ensuring that the appropriate policies are in place and adhered to, so that children are safe, nurtured and challenged to the best of their abilities. The governors also monitor teaching and learning to ensure that the curriculum is being developed and applied, each child has the opportunity to thrive in their learning and that staff are well managed and motivated. Responsibility for making the best use of budget, premises and other resources also sits with the governors, so that all children can experience a pleasant and well equipped environment in which to learn.

As governors of St. Botolph's we are members of the Hartismere Group and have opportunities to work and share experiences with colleagues in the pyramid group of primary schools, which are the feeder schools for Hartismere in Eye.


The governing body meet termly as a whole team to monitor progress against plans, discuss risks and opportunities for the school and to oversee the committees that run to monitor specific areas important to the proper management of the school.  Each governor sits on at least one of these committees and therefore has responsibility for reviewing the relevant information available and questioning the effectiveness of the actions being taken to continually improve the management of the school. 

At least once a year governors attend the Parent-Teacher Consultation Meeting enabling direct contact with parents of children attending the school and governors also spend time in school, following a year group of children from reception to year 6, in order to observe first hand the environment children at St. Botolph's experience.

Our most important objective as a governor however, is to ensure that all children at St. Botolph's have the opportunity to thrive and achieve to the best of their abilities, in line with the ethos of the school. 

The governors welcome comments and observations from parents or the community of which the school is part. You are welcome to contact us, either directly or via the school office if you have something you would like to discuss or share.

Jonathan Moore


I have been a parent Governor since 2019 and have a daughter in the school and a son who has now moved up to Hartismere. I am currently chair of the Finance Committee and sit on the Steering  Committee.

I have lived in the local area for nearly 20 years having moved from my home town of Bury St Edmunds.

I am a Partner on a regional firm of chartered accountants specialising in corporate services.

Susan Wright (Chair)


I have lived in Wortham with my husband, daughters, granddaughter, dogs and bees since 2007 and joined St Botolph's governing body in 2012 as an LEA governor.

Up until recently I worked as a corporate accountant in the financial sector.  The particular area of expertise that I bring to the governing body is my skill in data interpretation and change management.

Tony Hainsworth


I've lived in Hinderclay since the mid 80s. Having served in both the private and public sector, I'm retired now but worked in IT for around 40 years, my last position being manager of 'IT Development & Security' at West Suffolk Council. Shortly after moving to this part of Suffolk, I became a member of the last Governing Body of Rickinghall School and also chaired the PTA until that school merged with Redgrave to found St Botolph's. As my sons moved on, I became a Parent Governor at Thurston Community College. Until recently, I served on Hinderclay Parish Council for a number of years.

Gerry Gurhy


I have lived in Botesdale since 2013.  I am retired but worked in education for 37 years.  My final post was deputy head in a large 11-18 comprehensive school in north Essex.  My role involved teaching history, evaluating school performance and curriculum planning.  I worked for nearly three years as an adviser on 14-19 education for Essex County Council.  I was trained by Ofsted and was a team inspector on six secondary school inspections.  My other community activities are the Heritage Circle and the Wortham and Burgate Twinning Association.

Alison Spouncer (Vice Chair)

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I have two children of school age. Both are now at Hartismere having had a great start at St Botolph's, from Reception class through to their transition to high school.

I've enjoyed working voluntarily at the school for more than five years and during that time have assisted with every age group in the school. I also held the role of Joint Secretary of the Friends of St Botolph's Committee for a number of years while my children were at St Botolph's, organising fundraising events for the school. 

I have worked in various environments including the civil service, charity sector, SMEs and large corporate organisations.

Vikki Vaughan-Williams

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I am a newly appointed parent Governor and currently have one child attending the school and the other due to start in the new school year.  I am currently on the Premises Committee and will develop into other areas as I become more familiar with my duties.

I have lived in the local area for around 10 years having moved from Bury St Edmunds and prior to that I moved from my hometown after finishing university.

I am a Senior Paraplanner for a local regulated Independent Financial Advisory firm which specialises in Wealth Management.

James Smith

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I have two daughters, both now at Hartismere. I joined the governing body in 2014.  I chair the premises committee and was part of the team who delivered the new school library in 2015.

I grew up in the local area and am a former pupil of Hartismere. Within the wider community I am active member of Harleston Magpies Hockey Club, as a player and coach and have overall responsibility for boys youth development at the club.

I am a property surveyor within the financial investment industy and am a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.   

Euan Matthews

I have been a parent governor since 2022 and have a son at the school, with my daughter due to start in September 2024.  We moved to the area in 2017 having previously lived in Oxford and London.

I currently work for a tech company, with specific responsibility for its AI development, which I joined after completing my MBA.  Prior to this I worked for several large corporates and management consultancies in London, specialising in executive remuneration.

Governor Roles & Pecuniary Interests

The composition of the Governing Body at the time of publication is defined by the Department for Education and comprises:

Governing Body Membership - St Botolph’s CEVCP School


Office term (Start)


Type of Governor

Any registered pecuniary interests



Mr Anthony Hainsworth

September 2011

Head teacher performance 






Mr James Smith

September 2014






Miss Charlotte Clements

September 2011





Mr Mark Cobbold

September 2012


Head teacher



Mrs Nadine Hunt

December 2018


Associate member

(Deputy Head)



Mrs Susan Wright

September 2014

Chair of Governors







Mrs Alison Spouncer

February 2015


Head teacher performance 






Mr Gerry Gurhy

September 2015






Mr Jonathan Moore July 19 Finance Parent Nil 100%
Mr Euan Matthews September 22 Personnel Parent Nil 100%
Mrs Vikki Vaughan-Williams January 24 Premises Parent Nil 100%

We have one vacancies on the governing body  for a foundation governor.

Declarations of pecuniary and/or business interests.

None- July 2024


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