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History at St Botolph's CEVCP

History – what happened in the past and why. ‘If people could learn history, what lessons it could teach us.’ Samuel Taylor Coleridge 


At St Botolph’s CEVC Primary School we want children to have an enquiring mind and an innate curiosity about the history of Britain and the wider world. Through our history curriculum we will enable children to understand about the lives of people and places in the past and how this impacted on the future. We want children to enjoy history through a range of different activities including classroom experiences, trips and visits. Our curriculum will provide children with the key skills such as asking questions, making judgements and studying evidence.


At St Botolph’s children through all year groups will:

● Develop an awareness of how historical events are connected.

● Have a chronological understanding of British history from Stone Age to present Day.

● Encounter key vocabulary relevant for their age.

● Be encouraged to develop their questioning and enquiry skills and understand the importance of evidence to help interpret the past.


The impact of teaching history at St Botolph’s will be to provide all pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge to understand how Britain and the wider world have changed over time. By the end of year 6 children will had a range of opportunities and experiences to help them use enquiry skills to develop historical knowledge. Children will have encountered a range of historical sources and will be able to use these in their own lines of enquiry

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